Monday, May 9, 2011

Look at my new Lego, I built it using a lot of the same pieces.   I am now taking one box of all the same shapes and trying to create planes or ships.   It is fun and a little bit challenging.

Enjoy this one!

 I have to use some other pieces but most of them are the same. Do you like it?

Friday, March 11, 2011


I am sad about Japan and the earth quake.

Mother nature is cranky at people for not taking care of our planet.

Pick up your rubbish and recycle please.   Pepole are dieing.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Healthy Decisions Movie

Dear Blog World

I am putting my second movie on my blog.  I made it with mums help again on why it is important to make healthy choices.

I hope you enjoy it.

Love, Max

My new creation

Dear blog world

I made a new ship tonight after my homework.   My family really like this one so I thought I would put it up on the blog.  

I took photos with mums i phone.   I want an iphone when I am a teenager.

Today, I was nervous at school because I had to stand up at assembly with my class to talk about our excursion.  Then I introduced my movie on healthy choices.

Dad told me that it was ok to be nervous and as long as I practiced what I had to say I would be OK.

I felt nervous proud and happy today.

Enjoy my new creation.

Love, Max

Friday, January 28, 2011

More of lego

I took more pictures of my other lego i built during the holidays.

can you see something in the dinosaurs jaw.

Birthday Lego

For the first time I am doing it all on my own.   taking the photos putting them on my blog.

This is the ship mum dad and luc gave me for my birthday when we were in bali.   I am not quite finished yet.

I hope you like it.  my lego area mum and dad set up for luc and me is bursting with lego creations.

i have invented a new motorised ripstick with in-built shoes.  mum needs to stick the shoes on.

i've decided i want to be a scientist and a singer and a chess master when i grow up.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My movie

I want to share my movie on the environment. I did it for my UOI at school and I think it is pretty cool.  I made a drawing for school too called the Tear Drop of Harmony.  It was to show my teacher what my ideal world would be where everyone looks after our planet.   The picture was in the shape of a tear drop.   I am trying to build a Lego world to look like the Tear Drop of Harmony.  When I finish I will put it on my blog.

Time for bed, I can hear mum coming down for story time.

Bye bye